Lincoln Nebraska Bakery

Lincoln Nebraska Wedding Cake | S’more Cake | Cece and Dan

Lincoln Nebraska Wedding Cake | S’more Cake | Cece and Dan

♥♥My younger sister, Cece became engaged to Dan at the end of May, 2012, so when they asked me to make their wedding cake, I was pleased. He LOVES chocolate cake, so he wanted the entire cake made with chocolate. We also decided that it needed to be 4 tiered as the entire town of Red Oak would be invited to this reception, with anticipated guests at 250. Then my sister decided on fondant and I was very excited about planning a four tiered cake with all the possibilities of decorating with this icing. She is an artist, so it was very important that this cake be as beautiful as possible. After many taste testing of chocolate products, looking for the best and planning the best accenting flavor, we decided on a very rich chocolate cake recipe, with raspberry base and a dark chocolate filling with lemon flavored fondant. She picked out black and white ribbon resembling the invitation that was also planned in black and white.

Photography: Nicolette Dixon Photography

Lincoln Nebraska BakeryLincoln Nebraska BakeryLincoln Nebraska Bakery

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